Dear Home Care Organization Licensees,

The Home Care Services Branch has updated the Home Care Services Fact Sheet as of November 2023 and is now available to view as a PDF file on the Resources for Home Care Organizations webpage.

Additional language addresses nonmedical services a Registered Home Care Aide (HCA) may provide when assisting with medication that the client self-administers:

  • Opening the client’s medication bottle/canister/blister pack,
  • Reminding the client to take medication, and
  • Reminding a client to refill medication.

The paragraph regarding assistance with medication that the client self-administers that would otherwise require administration or oversight by a licensed health care professional is now identified in the list of medical services to a client an HCA may not provide.

The document also contains edits to examples of medical services a Registered Home Care Aide may not provide:

  • Monitoring/recording blood pressure
  • Monitoring/recording vital signs
  • Medication administration

If you have any questions, please contact the Home Care Services Branch at

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